STEM & ASsessments
STEM and Assessment provides support to all schools in Tolleson Elementary School District by ensuring all students have access to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classes; are well prepared for assessments.
It is no surprise that science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are an integral part of modern education. At Tolleson ESD, we dedicate extensive resources toward technology-based instruction including teacher support and funding through grants. We’re thrilled to offer our students the curriculum and tools that will give them a competitive edge. Learn more about STEM education from the U.S. Department of Education.
State assessments and testing provide information about student learning. We use this data to instruct our students better. It is normal for children to feel anxious and reluctant to take these assessments, and we encourage you to allow them to talk about their frustrations and fear. Testing is simply a measurement and students will never get “in trouble” for not meeting state standards. Rather, we can identify students who may require additional support and resources and help them develop the skills and knowledge they may need to succeed.
You can read about federal and Arizona state-mandated testing at the Arizona Department of Education website.