Letter to the Community - November 27, 2023

Dear Tolleson ESD Community & Families;

Welcome back from our Thanksgiving break! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. We are back in our classrooms today and ready to finish the calendar year focused on our core belief -All students are capable of success—No Exceptions!

Now that the November 7 election results are official, I want to officially thank our entire community for your support of our request to sell bonds. Each year at your October governing board meeting, we will report on our progress and budget for the projects shown below that the sale of bonds supports:

  • Renovations and improvements to existing school facilities (including kitchens, cafeterias, classrooms, and exterior weatherproofing).
  • Improving school grounds (including playgrounds, playfields, and drainage).
  • Replacement of pupil transportation and fleet vehicles.
  • Improving the safety, security, and equipment in school buildings such as:
    • Replacement of aging or non-serviceable air-conditioning and heating units
    • Upgrading of ?re alarm and security systems
    • Security window treatment and protective glass (bulletproof)
    • Roof replacements
    • Replacement of worn flooring
    • Replacement of furniture and equipment
    • Upgrade classroom technology equipment

The newest edition of The Tolleson Quarterly (our quarterly newsletter) should be arriving in mailboxes across our community soon, and I hope you will take time out to read it to stay informed of our district news. Our district News page is also always available for you.

We have 19 ½ days of school before our winter break. Please join us in keeping our treasures focused, focused, and focused on learning as every day is key to success!

As I celebrated Thanksgiving last week, I reflected on how grateful I am for all we have been able to accomplish for our treasures and families in 2023. Thanks to our governing board for their outstanding leadership and dedication to our students, staff, teachers, leaders, and families. Thank you to every member of our district and our entire community for your support!


Dr. Lupita Hightower
Treasure Hunter & Superintendent
Tolleson Elementary School District

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